When I saw this theme for this challenge I knew exactly what I wanted to do. Back in January I had seen Kay Halliwell Sutton from Indigo Blu do a demo with a papier mache mannequin, she was using an old technique used by Victorian ladies.. she put her own spin on it by stamping images onto 3ply mansize paper hankies with pigment inks and then applying just 1ply to the prepared papier mache dummy using her new product Slap it on. This was quite exciting because it meant you could transfer stamped images onto awkwardly shaped objects. As always I gave in and I had to try it out for myself ..well I was hooked... it was much easier than you might think working with the flimsy 1 ply paper and the Slap it on made the whole process very forgiving ... any creases or bubbles disappeared as it dried, so I had to resist dabbing and overstretching the paper. My first effort had been a simple coverup job (it's on one of my earlier posts) .. I knew I would want to try it again so I ordered another couple of dummies so this challenge made me get one of the sad little naked brown cardboard bodies out and dress it up. So here she is all dressed up and ready to go ...

To prepare the papier mache I coated it with white gesso then when it had dried I used a Cosmic Shimmer Mister to spray it a delicate pearl pink. While it was drying I stamped several different lace stamps onto 3ply mansize tissues with versafine black ink, then I cut through the 3 layers of paper as close to image as possible then removed just the top layer as I needed them. I put some Slap it on just in the area I was going to put my image and placed the stamped image gently into place easing it with my brush, then I put another coat of Slap it on over it ... just kept repeating with each image until I had covered the whole dummy and gave it one final coat.

The dummy comes with a leg and base, I found an old wooden spool that had some ribbon on it so I slid that onto the stick for extra weight. Then the fun bit making the flowers ... I love making them with coredinations card and sanding them back to uncover the inside colour. I added some self adhesive pearl swirls to keep up the theme and there she was ... ready to face the world.
DH said it reminded him of a certain type of ladies boudoir ... when I asked how he would know about such ladies boudoirs he said he'd seen them on tv ...Lol :) well I just hope he doesn't catch a cold before I do my next shop because I have used up all the paper tissues :)
Well that's all for now ... I hope you enjoy this challenge as much as I have, looking forward to seeing your ideas
Bye Annie xxx